In a Nation

The change needs to come from within…

Soumeetra Kumar


In a nation where a glass needs to be chained to the tap of drinking water, where temples need a ‘remove footwear before entering’ sign, where all ticket windows require a ‘ please maintain queue’ sign & all hospitals, a ‘maintain silence’ sign.

Where a sign of ‘no spitting’ is covered with red paan stains & walls need tiles of gods & goddesses to prevent people from urinating on them, where ‘no littering’ signs need to be put up only to have a heap of garbage right below it, what difference will a change in the government make?

Where people don’t want to change themselves for a better country, what are they expecting a CM, PM or an MP to change?

The change needs to come from within,

from within each of us!!!

p.s: Not my words, but this is exactly what I always believe in and tell and question people around me. Our country sure progresses despite the government or with the government, yet our culture is what is more important and we need to have a better culture where people have some sense. Which cannot be changed by a CM, or a PM or an MP or an MLA.



Soumeetra Kumar

I help people to design effective interfaces based on a user-centric strategy, in order to innovate better and faster.